What goal makes your heart race when you strive towards it?

NX prioritizes its guiding philosophy above all else.

We are a company that strives to create a better world through our pursuit of new energy experiences and our positive impact.

We are seeking individuals who passionately resonate with our vision and live by our philosophy.

This is how NX operates

In order to forge ahead into an era of new energy experiences that no one has yet experienced, NX members work in the following manner:


Being proactive

We don't just settle for what's given; we proactively strive for better results.


Making swift decisions and communicating transparently

We don't hold onto tasks; instead, we make decisions swiftly, work efficiently, and communicate transparently to ensure everyone can work effectively.


Growing to become better than yesterday

We strive for progress by not working in a state of inertia but by growing every day. We learn new things, apply them to our work, and increase our value.


Persistently pursuing goals

Water never boils at 99°C. We persistently strive for that last degree to reach the boiling point.

NX cultivates a culture of professionalism.

We are professionals who prove our own worth through results.


To achieve our goals and communicate our value, we communicate continuously and smoothly. Smooth communication leads to better results.


What is not clear is the problem itself, the starting point of the problem. We define and approach problems clearly.


Professionals speak through results. The foundation of achieving goals and gaining recognition from members is all about results.

We generously reward and support you as you strive to achieve your goals.

Reward System

We assess individual and team performance fairly each year and provide rewards based on the results.

Base Salary

A fixed salary is provided annually through a salary system.

Performance Bonus

Paid upon achieving annual goals,
regular/irregular incentives and rewards are provided.

Employee Benefits

NX creates a lifestyle where NX members can work happily and efficiently.

We aim for efficient work in a flexible working environment.

• 7-hour workday
• Flexible work once a month - telecommuting
• Rest Day once every quarter
• My Day once a year - early leave
• Team Building Day - workshop sessions

We support the growth of NX members.

• Support for book purchases
• Support for external education (online/offline)
• Support for paid software and assets for work

We provide support from the basics without missing anything.

• Guarantee of the 4 major insurances, retirement benefits, annual leave, and Labor Day
• Welcome Kit - office hardware (PC, laptop, office supplies, etc.), software provision
• Delivery of congratulatory flower baskets and cakes
• Holiday gifts
• Unlimited snack corner provision

Join NX now.

We're waiting for you in 0 positions.


There are no restrictions on education, age, gender, religion, or race at NX.
We value expertise and skills in the field of application.
The most important qualification is integrity.

Job Group

직무 카테고리 필터

Business Area

업무 지역 필터

해외 영업 – 에너지 IT 솔루션 해외 영업 및 관리

전기공사 경력 기술자 / 에너지, 전기, 전자 정보통신 관련 전공자 / 영어 회화 능통자

에너지 IT 솔루션 기술 영업

전기공사 경력 기술자 / 에너지, 전기, 전자 정보통신 관련 전공자 / 영어 회화 능통자