Creating the New Energy Experience

for a Sustainable Future

NX bridges technology and people to create new value.

With the positive impact of our technology,

we create a better world.

With AI and big data-based solutions,
we achieve energy optimization.

Global EMS Key Player

NX has been recognized as one of the 22 global key players in the EMS sector by Global Market Insights (GMI).
As the only South Korean company among the 22 and as a startup, NX leads with innovative technology and sustainable energy solutions.

Climate Tech Company for the Future

NX is a climate tech company developing innovative technologies to address climate change. Aiming for sustainable energy management and carbon emission reduction, we provide eco-friendly solutions for future generations.


All of NX's activities are dedicated to

a sustainable tomorrow and a better world.


We aim to protect the environment and promote the sustainable use of resources.

We enhance the use of eco-friendly energy sources and implement advanced technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, we improve energy efficiency across all business processes and expand the production and consumption of renewable energy to minimize our impact on the ecosystem.


People-Centered Management

NX prioritizes employee well-being and development, diversity and inclusion, and harmony with local communities. Through educational programs and employee engagement initiatives, we strengthen our internal community and practice social responsibility by supporting local communities. Additionally, we apply ethical standards across our supply chain to maintain fair and just relationships with all stakeholders.


Striving for Transparent and Sound Governance

NX's governance is based on principles of transparency, accountability, and active stakeholder engagement. We manage all operations through a robust code of ethics and compliance guidelines, continuously strengthening risk management and internal control systems. This foundation ensures trust among all stakeholders, including investors, customers, and employees.


The new energy experience is

created by the members of NX.

NX’s innovative energy solutions stem from the creativity and passion of our members. Experts from various fields come together to share ideas and create an environment where everyone can maximize their talents.

Based on a people-centered management philosophy, we support the growth of each member and work together to realize NX’s vision. Join us in creating a new energy experience.