NX's sustainable ESG management focusing on people, society, and the environment.


NX is paving the way towards Net Zero.

As part of its dedicated efforts towards a sustainable future, NX places environmental protection at the core of its ESG management.


The strategic objective of NX is to establish a ‘Net Zero Pathway,’ achieving carbon neutrality. Following the ‘Net Zero Pathway,’ NX is implementing various initiatives across all business areas to reduce carbon emissions and maximize the use of renewable energy through energy management and optimization technologies.


Furthermore, NX actively endeavors to engage all customers participating in energy optimization and carbon reduction initiatives proposed by us, not only NX, to collectively progress towards Net Zero. Such collaboration and efforts represent ways in which everyone can contribute to a sustainable future.

Green Remodeling

NX is spearheading innovative green remodeling projects that go beyond enhancing the energy efficiency of buildings to achieve tailored energy optimization throughout their lifecycle.
This initiative targets existing buildings, leveraging AI-based cutting-edge energy efficiency technologies and data analysis to customize the introduction of renewable energy sources, passive building materials, and active facilities. By integrating these components in real-time management, the aim is to significantly reduce the building's energy consumption and decrease greenhouse gas emissions.
This not only enhances the value of the buildings but also provides residents with a healthier and more comfortable environment.

Renewable Energy Business

NX is pursuing various renewable energy projects to expand its leadership in the renewable energy sector.
This includes projects utilizing various resources such as solar, wind, and bioenergy.
The company aims to fundamentally reduce carbon emissions in the energy production process through these technologies, and provide consumers with sustainable and reliable energy.
This expansion of business will enhance competitiveness in the global energy market and increase positive long-term impacts on the environment.

RE 100

NX is participating in the RE100 initiative, setting a goal to transition all of the company's electricity to 100% renewable energy. This is an important strategy to achieve carbon neutrality and minimize environmental impact. NX leverages various renewable energy resources available globally to ensure the sustainability of its power supply and enhance the environmental sustainability of its operations. These efforts also contribute to improving energy efficiency, reducing energy costs, and addressing climate change as part of global initiatives.

Essential Companies for Achieving Net Zero

NX is a crucial player in achieving the Net Zero goals of the future and safeguarding the environment.
To accomplish this, NX is dedicated to continuous innovation and technological development, striving to have a positive impact on the environment through all its business activities. Such efforts are essential in making our world a better place to live in.


Creating a Better World with NX

NX embraces corporate social responsibility and is committed to creating a better world through positive influence.


To achieve this, we invest in employee welfare and development, and focus on enhancing diversity and inclusivity. Additionally, we apply ethical standards across our entire supply chain to maintain fair and just relationships with all stakeholders.

Employee Welfare and Development

NX provides various opportunities for employees to enhance their expertise and career development. This includes education programs, job development workshops, and mentoring systems to support employees in maximizing their potential. Additionally, we offer flexible working conditions and comprehensive healthcare programs to promote a healthy and balanced work environment.

Diversity and Inclusivity

We encourage the employment of talents with diverse backgrounds and strive to create an environment where all employees are respected and valued. Diversity is our strength, and through an inclusive culture, we foster creative ideas and innovation.

Community Engagement

NX aims to create social value through close collaboration with the local community. We actively participate in community development projects and operate various programs to support the local economy. By understanding the needs of the local community and engaging in activities that address those needs, we grow and develop together with the local community.


Establishing Transparent and Sound Governance Structure

NX's Standards for
Fair, Ethical, and Responsible Management in Practice

NX adheres to transparency, accountability, and stakeholder engagement as core principles of its governance structure. These principles are reflected in the company's robust code of ethics and compliance guidelines, which meticulously govern all business operations. Furthermore, by enhancing ongoing risk management and internal controls, NX provides stakeholders such as investors, customers, and employees with a high level of reliability. This approach contributes to establishing NX as a stable and trustworthy business partner in the long run.